What are Chakras?
“Chakra” is an ancient Sanskrit term for “wheel,” meaning a vortex of our body’s energy system. There are seven main chakras, each with its own purpose and each dedicated to a part of the body. It is believed that when all chakras are aligned, energy can properly flow throughout the body, improving physical and mental health. This article will expand on each of the seven main chakras and how to align them.
Root Chakra
What Color? Red
Where? Base of spine
Purpose? Grounding, security, basic survival needs
Activities for Alignment? Exercise, walking barefoot
Yoga Poses for Alignment? triangle pose, warrior 1 ppse, tree pose, forward fold
Foods for Alignment? Tomatoes, onions, strawberries, paprika, cayenne
Pelvic (Sacral) Chakra
What Color? Orange
Where? Lower abdomen
Purpose? Self-worth, sexuality, joy
Activities for Alignment? Spend time near water, pelvic-focused exercises, dancing
Yoga Poses for Alignment? Bridge pose, low lunge, camel pose
Foods for Alignment? Carrots, oranges, sweet potatoes, fennel, vanilla
Navel (Solar Plexus) Chakra
What Color? Yellow
Where? Upper abdomen
Purpose? Digestion, ego, impulse
Activities for Alignment? Hooping, dancing
Yoga Poses for Alignment? Cat/Cow pose, chair pose, boat pose
Foods for Alignment? Ginger, turmeric, grains, bananas
Heart Chakra
What Color? Green
Where? Middle of chest over heart
Purpose? Compassion, spirituality
Activities for Alignment? Swimming, hugging
Yoga Poses for Alignment? Cobra pose, wheel, bow pose
Foods for Alignment? Green leafy vegetables, basil, sage, thyme, parsley
Throat Chakra
What Color? Blue
Purpose? Communication, emotion
Activities for Alignment? Singing, gargling, chanting
Yoga Poses for Alignment? Fish pose, camel pose, plow pose
Foods for Alignment? Peppermint, salt, lemongrass, seaweed, soups
Third Eye Chakra
What Color? Purple
Where? Between & just above the eyes
Purpose? Imagination, wisdom
Activities for Alignment? Visualization, manifestation
Yoga Poses for Alignment? Downward-facing dog, child’s pose, warrior
Foods for Alignment? Rosemary, lavender, poppy seed, caffeine, wine, grape juice
Crown Chakra
What color? Indigo
Where? Top/crown of head
Purpose? Spirituality, psychic matters
Activities for Alignment? Prayer, meditation
Yoga Poses for Alignment? Lotus pose, headstand, savasana (corpse pose)
Foods for Alignment? Fasting, incense, smudging
Don't forget, Good Juju is having a 7-week series where we will touch on a new chakra each week during classes leading up to a workshop where we will dive deep into the chakras. Find out which Chakra needs aligning and how to balance it in our 7-week series.
Good Juju Mind Body Studio | 245 N Cass Avenue, Westmont, IL | goodjujustudios@gmail.com